GATE Syllabus for Engineering Science (XE) GATE Syllabus for Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) GATE Syllabus for Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) GATE Syllabus for Petroleum Engineering (PE) GATE Syllabus for Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NM) GATE Syllabus for Metallurgical Engineering (MT) GATE Syllabus for Mining Engineering (MN) GATE Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (ME) GATE Syllabus for Instrumentation Engineering (IN) GATE Syllabus for Geology and Geophysics (GG) GATE Syllabus for Geomatics Engineering (GE) GATE Syllabus for Ecology and Evolution (EY) GATE Syllabus for Environmental Science and Engineering (ES) GATE Syllabus for Chemical Engineering (CH) GATE Syllabus for Biomedical Engineering (BM) GATE Syllabus for Architecture and Planning (AR) GATE Syllabus for Agriculture Engineering (AG) GATE Syllabus for Aerospace Engineering (AE) Meanwhile, the table below shows the trends in GATE Notification release date over the last few years:

Candidates can check our page for all the latest updates about GATE 2024. Along with GATE 2024 Notification, IISc Banglore will also release the information brochure, updated exam syllabus and exam pattern, etc.

GATE 2024 Notification is expected to be out by 1 st week of August 2023. As per the circular released on July 18, all the participating authorities have been asked to clear their respective calendars for the conduct of GATE and IIT JAM 2024.
Bombay ink set registration#
Candidates can expect IISc Banglore to release GATE 2024 notification in the first week of August 2023 followed by the registration process from September 2023. July 31, 2023: GATE 2024 notification is expected to be out soon.GATE 2024 Application Form Last Date (with late fee) GATE ranks below 50 stand a chance of getting a call to interview from PSUs like NTPC and GAIL Check PSU Recruitment through GATE GATE scorecard is also used by various PSUs to recruit engineers for executive posts. For admission to NITs, candidates must aim for a GATE 2024 score above 300.For admission to IITs, candidates must aim for a GATE 2024 score between 600-800.

While the others can get admission to other top M.Tech colleges including NITs, IIITs and GFTIs. Check GATE CCMT 2023Ĭandidates with ranks below 200 are able to get admission to one of the IITs.
Bombay ink set how to#
Bombay ink set series#
You must also attempt GATE free online mock test series to get an idea of your level of preparation and the type of questions asked.
Bombay ink set pdf#
Candidates can use GATE 2024 Syllabus PDF to download the branch-wise syllabus for CSE, ME, EE, ECE, CE, etc. The syllabus for GATE 2024 is based on General Aptitude and Core Discipline carrying a weightage of 15% and 85% respectively. Candidates are required to solve 65 questions in 180 minutes (3 hours). GATE exam is held online as a computer-based test for 29 papers. However, students currently in the third or higher year of their degree program are also eligible to register for the exam. To apply for GATE 2024, candidates must have completed a degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts.