In August 1943, he was deported as a forced laborer by the French Vichy regime to work in the construction of the IG Farben petrochemical factory at Auschwitz, where he was recruited into a resistance group. The creation of this document, one of several collections of Jewish survivor children's testimonies produced in the immediate postwar years, is also indicative of post-Holocaust Jewish sensibilities and concerns regarding surviving children.Ĭonversations with my father over many years reveal how genocides unfold invisibly in front of ethical witnesses. It is thus an important source contributing to the burgeoning research on the involvement of local populations in the murder of the Jews, on one hand, and in saving Jews, on the other. The testimonies provide raw data on the encounters between Jews and non-Jews in the territories in which the “Final Solution” was carried out.

The testimonies shed light on Jewish children's experience in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, describing oppression, flight, and survival in the words of the weakest segment of Jewish communities – children. It contains testimonies by Holocaust survivor children collected and put down in a notebook by their survivor teacher, Shlomo Tsam, in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust.

The document presented here was created in 1945 in Bytom, Poland.